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Wanted: Repair Skill = All Item Condition


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Hey gang,


So after a few playthroughs, I find maintaining items through repair to be a chore. Yet, those mods that disable item disintigration effectively render the repair skill useless, which I find distasteful. So here is my idea for compromise:


Ideal Repair mod would:


-Disable item disintegration.

-The current condition of all of your equipment would be equal to your current Repair skill. For example, if your Repair skill is at 50%, then the condition of all your weapons and armor would be at 50%.

-That's it!


Such a mod would remove the tedium of Repairing items, but still render the Repair skill extremely useful. Your Repair skill would reflect your ability to maintain your gear, and preserve the original intention of the game. Unfortunately, I don't know how to program whatsoever, so I was wondering if anyone was interested in making such a mod, or could point me in the right direction to find a similar mod.



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