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Moonlight Tales- Glitch maybe?


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About a week ago I started my game with Moonlight Tales installed for my werewolf character and for some reason the modification menu for Moonlight Tales, doesn't pop up. I didn't really know how to open MCM (a little noobish) but then I opened Skyrim with the SKSE loader and it worked, and I saw the notifications saying "MCM registered 1 new menu" ((something similar to that)) And it went on a few times , and activated a few mods such as Frostfall and Dynavision, etc , but Moonlight Tales doesn't come up. I tried shifting it through the Loadorder in the NMM but it's still not working. I even tried adding another SKSE/SKYUI using mod to see if its SKSE making this happen, but that mod which was "A Matter of Time" worked aswell so that's a no-go, meaning it was either a bug of Moonlight Tales or something else. I even tried adding the Werewolf Mastery compatibility mod with Moonlight Tales to see if the menu pops up, but it just causes a CTD.

Although, when I downloaded the Werewolf Mastery mod (non-compatible) it didn't cause CTDs.

The Ingame features of Moonlight Tales such as

- NPCs having diverse werebeast forms with different textures and eyes.

- Werebeast NPCs having the options to Transform and such

and so on.... Are active and available, which would obviously mean the mod is working, yet I still can't seem to find the MCM for it. Can someone please help me with this?

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Run skyrim through SKSE and then when in game open up the command console and write " help mcm " Then you should se a quest ID for Moonlight tales

Write Startquest (MT's ID)

It will not give you a response but just walk around a little bit and it should add for the in game MCM menu.

That worked for me, otherwise there are other threads on the forums which suggest different solutions

PS. Had this problem yesterday and fixed it this way.

Hope this solves it and hope you have fun!

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