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Suggest some mods?


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Please forgive me if this has been posted before. I did some searching but nothing very relevant came up. (I probably used the wrong terms.)



I was wondering if you kind and knowledgeable folks could recommend some mods. I'm mainly looking for mods that add quests for sneaky type characters, be it stealing or asassination. I'm looking for anything that will enhance my experience as a stealthy character. Can anyone reccommend a good base of operations? (How is the Thieves Den and are there many bugs/incompatibilities associated with it?)


Here is what I have so far for sneakiness:

Stealth Overhaul

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Reneers Guard Overhaul

Lockpicks by Grumblepunk

Thieves Arsenal

Vaults of Cyrodiil

Better Rosethorn Hall (home base maybe)


There are just so many mods to go through and I'm relatively new at modding so I'm having a tough time deciding.


Secondly, since this character will be a female, I'm looking for a female body replacer mod that is or has options for a petite body. I'm currently using HGEC 1.21 and I thoroughly enjoy it but I want my character to be smaller if possible (not anorexic looking though). I was looking at PSG by the_philanthropy. Judging by the comments and screen shots, this might be what I want. Are there other replacers similar to this?


Thanks for any suggestions/comments.



<EDIT> Is this in the wrong forum? Did I offend anyone? Does anyone have any suggestions at all? Will this sink to the bottom of the fourm without any replies? </EDIT>

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Fantsay figures might be the best bet for your body.


T.I.E is a pretty good overhaul aimed at sneaky types.


Unnevecessary Violence has some handy odds and ends for your sneaky girl, with even more coming in the next update.


As for quests, i'm less sure. There are plenty of great ones, but specifically for sneaks - i'm not sure. Take a look at the oblivion quset list (just google 'TOQL') as it describes and reviews most of the well known ones in detail.

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Thanks for the reply Hex. TOQL was an awesome list and I found several mods there I'm getting. I got TIE also and I"m looking forward to it. I dont think I'm quite ready for UV yet.


You've been very helpful and I appreciate your reply.

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