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bCountsForPopulation > False


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Anyone know a way to get the VNAM property bCountsForPopulation > False to work for humans without requiring the creation of a custom race?


And while I have you here, is there a property/command/value/etc. that can be applied to an NPC to keep him/her from interacting with furniture/idle markers?


Both of these were intended for my "Farmhands" mod, and while I found a workaround, I'm not entirely satisfied with the result.


Thanks in advance.



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Anyone know a way to get the VNAM property bCountsForPopulation > False to work for humans without requiring the creation of a custom race?


You can use a script like this to set/unset that variable:

Function SetCountInPopulation(Actor workshopActor, bool Count)
	If (workshopActor as WorkshopNPCScript)
		(workshopActor as WorkshopNPCScript).bCountsForPopulation = Count)

And while I have you here, is there a property/command/value/etc. that can be applied to an NPC to keep him/her from interacting with furniture/idle markers?


There are many ways to achieve this but here are the simplest ones:


Ownership: making the furniture object references owned by a faction ( that the NPCs are not part of ) or the player or another NPC prevents non-owner NPCs from use them.


IsIgnoredBySandbox = true: furniture and idle marker data flag that, if set, prevents sandboxing NPCs from accessing them.


AI packages: add custom sandbox or other AI packages to the NPCs that prevents them from sitting in the furnitures (some possible variables from the sandbox AI procedure: UseOwnedRefOnly = true, AllowSitting = false).

Edited by LarannKiar
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