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What is the deal with Blizzard Rest?


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Blizzard Rest, the giant camp right next to Heljarchen Hall, every time I approach it the game crashes to desktop. This occurs whether or not I have mods installed, it crashes no matter what angle I approach it from. I've installed, uninstalled, reconfigured mods, and cleaned the save file all to no avail. Since the last time I experienced this issue I've done a complete and full uninstall and reinstall of the entire game and all mods, wiping every last file of the game before setting it up anew and I'm still encountering an instant crash to desktop when approaching this giant camp.


What the hell is wrong with this place and how can I fix it?

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I experience the same with some regularity and therefore stay far away from there if I can.


My theory?: It's located under the skyrim origin (or close to). if there's crap that needs housekeeping (for instance, orphaned meshes and so forth from various location based mod overwrites), it end up floating over the origin, and it makes the cell unstable.

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