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[MOD REQUEST] {mod ideas}


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I have a request for anyone who wants to try to make this. Would anyone be able to make a mod that allows the custom tav to also gain origin/companion exclusives buff/items Ill be writing a list of them below I just think this would be a cool mod for everyone to enjoy





Soul coin consumption: because she has the infernal engine she able to power herself up with soul coins well it would be cool if the player could also use them as tav maybe the could gain this after killing karlach and taking here engine it could be a consumable on her that lets you gain that power and added to the tutorial chest for those who love her to much to hurt her.



Balthazar ritual circle usually this can only be used by Gale to either craft the shadow lantern or destroy it to gain the buff plus if you play as him as your origin you can unlock the shadow weave which is only available to him so it would be cool if the tav could also do this (ps it would be cool to be able to both)


Im sure there is more unique abilities and items I did not mention I also left out stuff like ascension vampire since many mods do that already

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