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new game plus save


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can i request that someone make a new game plus save, set at the very beginning in fornburg with all equipment, birds, boat parts, mounts, tattoos, hair and beard styles, max resources (including DLC 's), max skill points, all abilities (including non base game ones, or is there some reason those ones can't be done?)? or is that sort of thing frowned upon around here?

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While I can't create one myself, I've seen modding communities come up with some fantastic stuff. It's usually cool to request such saves, but it's a good practice to check the specific forum rules just to be sure. Meanwhile, you can try playing the game of hearts. I hope someone can help you out with your request!

Edited by Lucyannon1
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While I can't create one myself, I've seen modding communities come up with some fantastic stuff


can you tell me of some other places besides nexus that has NG+ files? i've checked out the ones here and while they're great they're not perfect, the one that starts in fornburg doesn't have any ability's and oddly, only one or two of each DLC resource. and of the two that start at ravensthorp one of them is missing DLC items and the other does have alot of DLC resources as well as ability's but only the base game ones for whatever reason, and also appears to have some quests already partially started.

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  • 8 months later...

As for the topic question, heck yeah, I'm all for it! New Game Plus saves are like the gift that keeps on giving. It adds a whole new layer of replayability to games, letting you experience the story in a fresh way without feeling like you're starting from square one. Plus, it's a great way to tackle those tough boss battles or explore different endings without the stress of starting from scratch. Personally, I've lost count of how many times I've replayed my favorite games just to experience that rush of excitement all over again. And let's not forget about the satisfaction of breezing through those early levels like a pro, thanks to all the gear and abilities you've already acquired. So yeah, count me in for New Game Plus saves any day of the week! It's like having your cake and eating it too, ya know? Anyway, enough rambling from me. Time to dive back into my latest adventure. Catch you all on the flip side! And hey, don't forget to take a break from gaming every now and then to enjoy some solitaire or whatever floats your boat.

Edited by Maybower
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