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Loading user created or misnamed BSA


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Just wondering if anyone has seen this type of console log before? Just recently done a fresh install of FNV and so far it is stable, just checked the console to see if all the xNVSE plugins were loading and had a wall of text in regards to BSA's. Is this alright to ignore or is there a fix? Already tried searching online for anything relevent but came up empty handed. If the screen shot I uploaded isn't showing for whatever reason the console is showing "Loading a user or misnamed BSA:Vortex - BSA Redirection" and many others including offical DLC and if i were to scroll down it is showing mods like the Willow companion and NV bounties LE, and Desert Natural Weathers, etc, all in all about 10 mods and all preorder DLC are showing up in the console when I first start the game.


Got all the fixes and tweaks installed from the Nexus, screen shot shows them all loading correctly.


Any help or insight would be much appreciated.


My pc specs are:

10th gen i9 CPU

RTX 3090

32Gbs of RAM

FNV installed on a M.2 SSD




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