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Starborn Adoring Fan (spoilers)


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I always take the adoring fan with me to the unity because I think a super-powered version of me pestering me in another universe is funny. How difficult would it be to make him into one in actual gameplay?


I cannot make the mod myself, my computer cannot handle the game and while I don't play it on PC I've been playing through gamepass on console, and have no idea when I'll have a PC capable of running it. Still, I left the idea here because I thought it'd be funny.

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Starfield is a whole lot less demanding than tech influencers claimed, providing you are using AMD GPUs and CPUs. It runs great at 1440P at high settings (on a freesync monitor- a tech feature essential for ensuring sub-60 FPS appear perfectly smooth) on a 5700XT or 6600M/6600/6600XT, and any modern Zen processor. A 5700 GPU today can be found for much less than 150 dollars, and the newer 6600 cards around 150 dollars.


In 2023 terms, this is far from an expensive gaming PC setup. The Nvidia/Intel propaganda push (both companies spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year pushing expensive inferior solutions into the mainstream) makes ordinary gamers think PC gaming needs a LOT of money.


Starfield has but one redeeming quality- it is a perfect sandbox for modders. And a decent gaming PC allows one to also enjoy all the earlier Beth games modded to the max while waiting for Starfield modding to reach critical.


PS here's a secret to the easiest cheap gaming PC. Find a very cheap good enough second-hand base station from the likes of Dell and put a 6600M card from that Chinese equivalent to that American store named after a type of female warrior. The base station needs a to contain a decent CPU (it will be Intel, sadly, but ensure it's at least a decent 4-core), but more importantly a GPU expansion slot and a PSU that can handle the 130 Watt load of the 6600M. 150 dollars for the computer, 150 dollars for the GPU.


Personally I'd home build with cheap new components, but I know that some are still too scared to do this.

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