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Doppleganger Questions


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I have created a Doppleganger in a mod. I use the 'Player' NPC character and place it using an item player(you) hold.


problem 1./ when i save the game and reload the message ' invalid player data' is shown and duplicate is remove from the game, but game is playable as normal.


how can i test for a game load so I can reset the doppleganger into the game or can i test for a game save.


problem 2./ I am able to set dialogue for the doppleganger but, any script bits added to dialogue topic area affects player(you) not doppleganger.



If I put a script attached to 'player' NPC the script affects you and doggleganger.


any hints as to how i can get around this. so i can start combat and other things.

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the problem is that the player isent mearly a copy of you it IS you :) try an on menumode set co-ords to globals for storage and setdeleate then test on the original activation script if he should be active and isent then reactivate him at last co-ords simple enough?


about the scripts on him working on the player... no way around this... sorry... unless


there was talk a while ago about the ammended id of multiple objects so that the game can recognise them all as indavidual so


player_00002 (or whatever it would be, maby player.00002 serching will be needed)


then attach scripts to him in game via the activation script (you can attach a global script to an object by calling it specificaly its in the for dummies e-book) that MAY work but you will have to do it every save reload ect (if your doing the deleate player thing) so yeah hope these ramblings helped.

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