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Game engine cutscenes never complete.


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If this has been answered before I apologize, but it's a strange thing to search for and all I find are things completely unrelated to the problem.


In Vault 87 when Autumn abducts me, about 2/3 times the cutscene will seem to just...stop. He'll say a line and then nothing will occur. When the 1/3 chance of me reaching Raven Rock occurs the same thing happens when he tries to speak to Eden. He pulls a gun, turns to the 'eye' exchanges 2 lines with Eden and then that's it. I cannot do anything to make the scene continue as it should.


I was hoping this was just an issue with those two scenes and through intense abuse of the console I managed to get to Eden, get the FEV and move on to the Citadel to see the meeting discussing attacking project purity. I was so happy, but when it got to the end of the scene...nothing. All the characters just stood there and I was of course frozen in 'cutscene mode' unable to continue.


Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I've tried it with every mod I could think of that might be affecting it turned off (as well as with every single mod turned off), and I really don't want to have to reinstall the game and all the patches.



Also, it may be related and it may not...but when I attempted to start new games James would ask 'now are you a boy or a girl' and the menu for selection that option wouldn't pop up, but this seems to have fixed itself somehow.




I THINK it might have something to do with the mod Essential Caravans and Followers, since after using it characters would get stuck in combat, even when I turned the mod off. It's the only thing I can think of that might have altered how npc AI might operate, but be damned if I can figure out how to fix it.

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