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vale sabre cat armor and weapons


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ok sooo for those of us who completed the dawnguard story line you know what a vale sabre cat is and how col it looks, now my idea for the armor is this....im a pretty big fan of greek times and what not and i like how hercules wore the lion head on his head,now for the mod the vale sabe cat head would go over your characters head and the teeth would be just beside the eyes and slightly past,the rest of the pelt/body would drape down your back, the colors of course would be charcoal and a faded lime green but if you want you can add mor colors(red, blue,white,all black,). the boots should be fur versions of of the steel boots and the braces be like the hide braces. for males your upper body will be exposed like one of the fur armors. for female characters the chest shoukd be covered in fur similar to one of the female fur armors lol. now for the weapons they should be sabre cat bone weapons, idk what they should look like but maybe something that an assasin should have just make it look really cool and they should look really sharp, 1 handed sword and a dagger,damage should be fairly high on them,now ik your thinking that sabre cat hides are very scarce and only a few of them exist in skyrim so for crafting can someone make a mod that turns all sabre cats into vale sabre cats,or make it so that any sabre cat hide works for crafting.

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There is a mod called Vale Skin Armour> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33439/?


It is just a retexture of hide and fur armors. I do know of a few mods that have just a normal saber cat headdress. Do a search for them and contact those modders to see if they would be willing to help you out.

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