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Cannabis Mod , grow and smoke weed !


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i would like to get an serious cannabis mod. where u can grow weed in the greenhouses and smoke or sell it after. there should be a lot of different sorts of cannabis strains to choose from, with different look and different visual effekts.

colorfull visual effekts would be cool just for fun .

the cannabis shouldalso give gameplay effekts .. like as example ... give a smal amount of damage resistence and a slow heal for 20 m if u used a cannabis strain that is more indica then sativa.

there could be also a coffeeshop in the game.

maybie make it also possible grow the cannabis outdoor on some planets ??

best would be include a whole new grow system with grow houses extra made for this. the growhouses and how they work in game i dont like much.

Edited by DanielRein
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Guest deleted167998583

I saw your post and didn't create my own. Dear mod developers, there are already packs of cigarettes in the game. Please make it possible to use them. Each pack of 20 cigarettes. Without any effects. Animations based on the principle of GTA V and RDR2. And make it possible to smoke for a long time and be able to put out or throw away a cigarette.

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Actual smoking has been verboten in Beth games and games from other devs for a long time now- early practice for the strict imposition of all the agenda rules currently in play. Modders will put what you desire back into the game when they can.


Here's a Fallout link. Big state funded organisations only got into the anti-smoking biz when fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests caused catastrophic rises in certain forms of illness. At the time the big powers did not want to give up these tests, so they needed to blame another cause publicly. In the end, the scientific evidence for the rising impact of these tests on Human wellness was so overwhelming, for the first and last time the powers on the Earth all agreed to ban them. But by then the state funded anti-smoking pseudo NGOs had become well oiled power-houses.


Burned tobacco products were known to be detrimental to Human Health from the first day they were introduced in the West. It is a complete lie to suggest this knowledge only entered the common consensus when the state funded propaganda machines began to run defense for atmospheric nuclear testing in the 1950s.


Of course there should be vaping in Starfield, although the retro concept fits actual ciggies better. Bizarrely the anti-smoking lobbies in most nations have gone after vaping, despite the fact that their is ZERO scientific conceptual similarity between the two activities, save for the consumption of the harmless (in low doses- even water kills in high enough dose, and I don't mean via drowning) substance, nicotine. Smoking is an issue purely via the act of igniting various substances, and inhaling the consequences of combustion.


My point is that the anti-science lobby would ensure active vaping no more appeared in Starfield than actual smoking.


PS I speak as a person who has never smoked or vaped- such activities are for easily influenced fools. However that doesn't change the science, the artificial reason the anti-smoking lobby came into existence, or the idiocy of 'banning' vaping as an extension of the banning of smoking.

Edited by zanity
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