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Is there a way to stack Spells and Enchantments?

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In general, if it's a value modifier such as the Perk >> Perk Entry >> Mod Incoming Weapon Damage or Spell >> Effect Item >> Magic Effect >> Value Modifier >> Associated Item >> Perception, then they are added to their respective formula (e.g., damage resistance, actor value information data) for the "effect owner" by default. ( Perk Entry function SetValue "overwrites" it so you'll have to use other functions like Multiply Value to add them to the base calculation ).

Edited by LarannKiar
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In general, if it's a value modifier such as the Perk >> Perk Entry >> Mod Incoming Weapon Damage or Spell >> Effect Item >> Magic Effect >> Value Modifier >> Associated Item >> Perception, then they are added to their respective formula (e.g., damage resistance, actor value information data) for the "effect owner" by default. ( Perk Entry function SetValue "overwrites" it so you'll have to use other functions like Multiply Value to add them to the base calculation ).


Tried this out. Worked like a charm. What I am trying to do is make a system that scales resistance on robots based on certain factors. What I did was I created a perk, puts some keywords on the OMOD I want the bot pieces to have this resistance effect, then I told the perk to check if there is my spell. Then it applies it if there is certain keyswords. And I just specified the abresistance effect on the spell with the default spell magnitude set to 0. I used the perk to add resistance and it stacked with robot part that had the specified keyword.

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