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[LE] NavMesh. Auto-Generate Find Cover Edges


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NavMesh. Auto-Generate Find Cover Edges.


I've just started using Auto-Generate function (Ctrl+2) for marking the Find Cover Edges.

I noticed that the auto find cover edges will devide some of the edges and triangles, so instead of a normal size triange you will get two or more smaller triangles, instead of one somewhat right- or acute- triangle there will be a number of obtuse triangles. Isn't that bad for NPCs' navigation? And how can I work around the issue (if that's an issue)?

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Hanaisse, do you have any experience in cleaning up the find cover edges data or editing it by hand?

Me personally, I have no idea if it looks 'right' or 'wrong' (in terms of find cover). All I can tell is the edges get divided and the tris too.

Edited by Skybroom
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I've never done cover edges myself, none of my personal projects required it, but judging by the tutorial on the CK Wiki what you're seeing is normal. The algorithm for nav mesh, I assume, will split triangles if they are too large or if it decides to only use part of an edge for cover.


You can see it by comparing these two pictures;

Original final navmesh

After cover data


So I wouldn't worry about it. It's not going to impact NPC's if there's a few more smaller triangles. As for cover data that looks wrong, it would depend on your cell and what your cell contains. If cover data was generated but will be behind objects you've placed that an NPC can't get behind to use then I would unmark it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I've got your point. But, hey, the pictures are exactly what I am talking about! If you look at the kind of circular segment on the left. It is a circle with an empty quad in the middle. The right side of the quad got devided to three. Why not just to mark it blue like the other sides of the quad?!


No doubt in game it will work. But the auto-generated navmesh in general works too. That doesn't mean auto-generated navmesh is better than hand-made one.

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