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Anno 1800

Game crashes when loading savegames


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I had been using mods the old way (with modloader and putting the mods into a "mod" folder), but since Game Update 16 in December '22 the game crashed, which is why I stopped playing.

Now I would like to give it another try to continue with my saved game by updating the mods. I have been trying installing the updated versions of mods the old way, which makes the game crash. I suppose using the in-game modloader is now the way to go. I tried installing all the mods I had been using, but with this I get the message that the saved game uses mods that differ from the installed ones, and it crashes before having even fully loaded the game.


Weirdly, even if I don't use any mods, it crashes every time I load a game that had been using mods - but not if I load a game that hadn't been using mods. So there seems to be some compatibility problem and I don't know what else to try to get back my old games (I don't want to start at 0 again).


Any hint how I could manage to get back my old games with mods? I also already tried repairing the files and reinstalling the game.

Thank you!

Edited by nextmind
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