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Dragon Age: Origins Style Fast-Travel


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For those of you who've played origins, please skip to paragraph two. For everyone else: dragon age origins made fast travel immersive. When you were travelling from one destination to another, you could watch your character's progress on the world map. While travelling, there was a chance you'd enter a random encounter, D&D style. You'd have to finish the encounter to continue your journey. This gave a sense of actually taking time and effort to move from place to place.


I dislike that fast travel really does feel like teleportation. I'd love to watch my character's progress on the map, and to have random encounters, while fast-travelling. As far as random encounters go, you'd be pulled out of the travel sequence early. Then you'd either deal with the bandit, thief, prisoner, etc, and go back to travelling.

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I like that idea...It seems more appropriate that instantaneous travel be left to mages anyway, wouldn't you agree? Not to mention I vastly enjoy random encounters, so having more while making a trip would be nice.

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