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You are so right Sypron! that effects on the kwama eggs is wonderfull! Thats exactly the kind of effect that I want to have on my armor, but its gonna be blue instead! :D
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No, checked it up in the CS, its not a script, its like 2 textures movin around the meshes, one of the textures has Alpha channel, so its a bit transparent, I also checked upp the nif file for the egg, it has like 15 materials in the nif.


It would be cool to have that effect on the Armor, but Im not so sure if its even possible.

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well, either way you will have to modify the nif if you are going to get this effect so probably what you should do is try to make your own textures doing that. So therefore you should try to mimic the eggs as much as you can.
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Okay, Thanks! Well, if I wont be able to add this video loop to the Armor, I want to atleast have some kind of reflect effect seen in various weapon mods, Check out the mod nocturne on MW summit, it has amazing reflect / chrome effetcs.



Is there anyone who knows how to add effects like this in 3D max and the Freedom force exporter? I could really need some help with it :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, Oceanic Armor V1.1 Will be released at MW Summit and Tessource tomorrow!


The biggest change in V1.1 is the colour of the Armor. It has now been retextured with a more blue and less purple texture. It still looks simillar to V1.0 but just more... Oceanic :D


here's a screenshot of it:

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