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Want to earn the respect of the Worm King? (enchanted arrow request)


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Hello, I've been trying to scour the internet for a mod that adds a custom spell based on a Warcraft 3 hero ability named "Black Arrow" to no avail.


Black Arrow applies a buff for X seconds. If the target dies within the duration they will reanimate permanently.


The reanimated would count as a thrall (so bonuses given to undead minions from other mods such as Psychotic's necromancy count towards it as well as a Thrall taking up one of the summon limit spaces) and its AI would be enabled.


Black Arrow would not work on NPCs such as Dwarven constructs (mechanical) but will work on any humanoid, undead or creature.


That's the meat and potatoes.


I have tried to make this, I looked up a guide on making enchanted arrows in CK and to be honest, its way above my skill level, so far that I feel its unobtainable for myself. I think this would be a note-worthy project as it help increase the viability of a necromancer play through (which honestly needs all the help it can get, its one of the only things that is relatively unmodded at this point).


Your help will earn you the eternal respect of the Worm King, may he bless you on the Necromancer's moon <3



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