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Starfield Texture Mods not being enabled


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Long Story please bare with me.


Modded Starfield from just about day 1 when it was put them in 'My Documents' folder, migrated to Vortex when it was available.


Had the customary issue we all had with Vortex not recognising the location of mods and waited for the fix.


Vortex fixed and stable 'yay all happy'


Tried to install 1 particular mod https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4340 and found myself at a quandary. Vortex would install but I was having issues with the mod actually working, left feedback on the mods page, modder got back and suggested the issue was due to having mods in both 'My documents' and 'Vortex' so I uninstalled all my mods, deleted the archives, created a brand new 'My Documents Starfield' folder.


Re ran the game and it populated My Docs Quit out and began reinstalling all my mods.


Now I find that textures are not being used by Vortex, I have tried uninstalling again, redownloading, doing a manual install over-writing the Vortex installed version of the files but the textures are not being picked up by the game.


Suggestion / ideas please anyone


I would rather not have to reinstall Starfield and or Vortex if possible






Have launched the game directly from Steam and what I see ingame is the same as if I have launched from the SFSE Launcher, but SFSE is showing in the 'Settings'




Have unmanaged Starfield, remanaged, reinstalled all mods no change.

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