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Decent mods to use.


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well we all roleplay the games we love to play in our own way. plus i have the nasty habit of when a women gets hurt by a guy around me i beat the crap out of the guy. i was raised to never hit a women and i expect people around me to do that same thing. If they don't then i get really pissed off. i got into trouble a few times in school growing up because of it.

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We do. And for the record, I'm not knocking the desire to pretty them up. I prettify a couple of male companions myself. No, the thumbs down is because in a land with harsh climates, bandits, feral animals, necromancers, vampires, werewolves and effing DRAGONS, you like to relegate your girls to having NOTHING more pressing to worry about than catching the eye of some dude. That reveals an awful lot, and what it reveals is pretty offputting.

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actually if you think about it in THAT way then the population would be lessened. whats the main desire in a human being? that being is to procreate. the women in my game do there thing and the men do there thing. Its like a basic instinct. In ancient times before the written language the women used to make them selves look pretty or do things to look attractive to the opposite sex while the men were extremely protective of them and they did all the fighting. in this what it reveals about me is that if i could i would not have anyone fight but me to protect those who have no stains on there souls and such and i would fight for them. If you learn about yourself and those around you then with the knowledge of how history was and how things have changed over time you learn more about your self and others. there will always be poeple or things that try to push the people down into submission, and then there are those who fight back against that to protect others from being pushed around. does this answer your question better? To put it simply, If i could choose a world to live in i would stain my soul with the blood of evil to protect the good ones, thuis in skyrim kill the bandits, the dragons, and evil spirits roaming the world. when good hearts are hit with a stain of diffrent degrees they change in some way, like a person killing someone changes, but that would be based on what side there heart is on, good or evil, the good hearts never forget the pain they have caused or the look in the eyes of the life they took and it haunts them. like the miltiary veterans of the wars they fought in. the evil hearts relish in the pain and suffering of others and look to do more to feel that power. such as an example the way a mad man would destroy things or people around him to build an empire. I hope this helps you understand the world i am trying to create in skyrim. in the real world things are never black and white, only diffrent shades of gray. i wanted to make a world more of pure white or black.

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