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need helo with moding


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hi. sory for my english...i have installed some mods, the 4"overhauls" ones, and some others... but sudently, i dont know how, but my player char is too much weak, new ones or saved games. for ex.. when im holding a steel shortsword, fighting vs a little crab (the weakest beast in the game i think), i have to smash it like 15 times to kill the crab... my idea was moding to make my oblivion more interesting and harder, but not that way. does someone know how can i fix it? or finding wich mod is makin that? 'cause i have readed all mods description and no one says that it makes stronger little NPC or make the PC weaker. Also i have desactivated all mods with the manager, but it seems that some mod has modified the main files or somethin.. please help!
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