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[AE] Dwemer Cyborg Race


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To be honest, I don't expect this to go anywhere, because it seems highly unlikely someone would want to do this since it was originally Edhildil armor mod for Og Skyrim. This is their mod if your curious or still run Og Skyrim ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43891 )

Anyways, onto my explanation. I was looking at someone old skyrim armor mods from way back when before AE and SE and I saw this cool dwemer cyborg armor made by Edhildil, but it got me thinking, what if there was a Dwemer Cyborg Race? that would be cool wouldn't it? run around Skyrim as dwemer cyborg trying to figure out who they once were and why they've suddenly reawakened from their slumber and where or who their creator once was before they passed and what their main directory is as a machine. (this would be another suggestion for maybe a alternate start add on)

As I said before I don't expect this to go anywhere or gain any modders attention.

it's just a fun idea for anyone willing to do it.


Also, BIG FYI, if someone ends up making the mod, please please please make it AE accessible and if it's not too much trouble tag me in the comments of this post when you publish it, i would love to play it.

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