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Daughter Companion!


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So, I was playing Oblivion for my...I dunno, 120th hour? when I started getting a feeling of emptiness. Then I realized, hey, I never felt like this in games like Bioshock Infinite or Call of Duty (Although, those games are barely comparable.) Then I realized what the issue was. I never found companions that I talked to. I'd downloaded mods that gave me some interesting companions, but they never said crap. And then I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool, and perfectly possible to work into the story, if there were a companion that was the daughter/son of your character?" Now, making a truly young son or daughter would have two issues: It would require the mod that adds children, and it would more or less boycott the idea that they could fight. So, if it were a custom made character, like a teenage son or daughter, that was teenaged and so only needed to look young by their face, that'd be really cool! Now, I realize that for this mod to be done super well, it would require voice acting, which, I assume, it probably hard to integrate, but even just a companion that really adds to your own character's back story would be very cool. So, if someone were willing to make that mod, that'd be cool! Thanks!


P.S. If this already exists and I'm just awful with google, sorry for being redundant :P

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I am actually working on a child races mod. Certain street-smart child NPCs will be capable of fighting (and are marked essential so they can't be killed), though most will be more inclined to run away (and are scripted so they can't be harmed at all).


If that doesn't quite fit the bill, I can also create a teenagers add-on pack later on. Just give me the specifications and I'll see to it that you can adopt just the right son or daughter.

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  • 3 months later...

Regarding a point you made in the opening post, the mod that many people gives you the closest feeling to having a real companion is this one - Companion Vilja - by Emma and CDCooley. It's fully voice acted by the mod author, with her own native accent (which is authentically Nordic!), and some of the in-game conversation has been based on suggestions by one of the most prolific fantasy authors of modern time, Terry Pratchett. While not a "daughter" mod, you may find that it at least provides a "real companion" feel to your game.

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