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[Mod request] Contraband selling price


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Hi all,
Would love to see a mod that would make contraband prices unaffected by perks/economy modifiers. As in if it is worth 11260 credits then it should pay exactly 11260 credits.
Here's my take on why:
- Contraband items have (imo) balanced value
- Contraband is not too common
- Quickly becomes outpriced by regular enemy loot (spacesuits, guns, etc.)
- Vanilla sell price makes it too cheap to bother with
- Lore-wise contraband is rare/exquisite items, why would they be as cheap as some mass-produced pistol?
If the selling price was equal to base value, it would add a new purpose to board enemy ships (which is already quite fun), and become a worthwhile bonus on the side while doing bounties.
In general, a viable and immersive Han Solo playstyle.
Make smugling great again! (Pretty please!)


Edited by noxteady
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