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[Mod Request] More heads for the Unpopular Races.


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I really dislike the Heads available to the lesser popular races.

Gnome, Githyanki, Dwarf, Halfling, Half-Orc.


So I would like for a mod to be made where all heads (or almost all) will be made available to all races. (would be fun to all genders too, because making a female looking male Aasimar is an idea I have.)

I could also do it myself... if I knew how.

I use 3ds Max myself and don't know any Blender, and how to extract the head files and what to do with it....

But~ if someone was either able to make (or teach me how) it would be awesome.

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I'd love to see more head presets for Half-Orcs, absolutely! And the other races that tend not to get a lot of love. It seems that at the moment, most character creation mods are almost exclusively for humans, elves, and tieflings-- and even then they tend to be for body type one only. :sad:

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