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Anno 1800

Mod Request: Vehicle Spawner for First Person Mode


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Hi there,

I'm no modder, so I want to place this as a mod request here: Since I'm very far in my current game, I like it so much to discover my cities in first person mode. By feet or by different vehicles like busses and carriages. But I don't like that I have to wait for my favorite vehicle to spawn by coincidence near me, especially in not so crowded places with no factories or houses. Some of the factories have their own vehicles too, so I thought it might be possible to create a mod, where you can place just a little 1x1 square, where endless vehicles of one type are spawning, so you don't need to wait for them. Just some of them for different vehicles and you can take your carriage, bus or whatever from this "parking lot". If this "building" has no hitbox and transparent ground, you can place it above different streets, gras, sidewalks or whatever. Please let me know, if you can make such a mod and what you think of this idea.

Have a nice day

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