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[SE]Gain Stamina from successful arrow hits


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i've arranged a series of mods that make skyrim's combat into something nearly perfect for me. it's fast, deadly, precise, and skill-based. it's a lot of fun, but on my current playthrough there is a huge problem with my aggressive archer build: there's no way to sustain stamina. once i'm out, the fight comes to a screeching halt. not ideal. so i had the idea that i should be able to use an mcm to select how much stamina i receive on successfully landing hits on enemies. ideally, it would be separate from melee hits, as the melee side of things is already well balanced for me, but it would also be cool to have a separate option for melee. anyway, if anyone decides to make this, you have my gratitude. i've looked at just about every kind of stamina mod that exists so far and none of them allow this functionality.


here's my mod list for anyone curious https://gyazo.com/fcc61170ec01e5ed285cdb807f8500f6


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