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Supernatural Mod


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I see on this site the most creative minds in the world. There are some amazing mods on here and I speak for all of them. They all do wonderful things. I am not very creative but here is my idea for a mod. Someone go around the Wasteland and place a number of mythical beings and immortal characters and a 1408 style room...(maybe in Tenpenny)...that would lock you inside of it and you had to slay one of the evil paintings...but get this...they are immortal as well. Also would also be a house in the wasteland with a functional holographic player and a crazy evil little girl would come out of the TV and try to kill you, The Ring style...also immortal. So one is to ask, how would you kill these things? Easy...




Also...have it be that revolver...but give it a Gauss Pistol effect...the non Anchoage one so anyone can have it, also...have it do 600 damage and a 100 % crit rate. I feel this gun should only have like 50 rounds in the whole game, sure it is balance issued, but let the fans decide. I feel hunting demons and spirits and killing crappy horror movie characters is the very basis of why Fallout 1 and 2 were brilliant. Wacky storylines. SO perhaps someone could make this insanity come to fruition? Maybe just the Colt...that would be excellent. Also I feel The Family should be in possession of some of the Colt...I think you should have to rebuild it using schematics.

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Having Sadoko come out of the TV would be priceless. The again, myabe it's because I've seen more pictures of her looking cute than I do scary...
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I've been nursing a Supernatural mod idea (along with a couple of others) for quite awhile, and yeah the Colt was a part of it, but it wasn't all spooky monsters to kill. It was actually half Winchester half Van Helsing - yeah Vampires, real Vampires not that "The Family" crap.


I'm not going to make it though. I hate working with the GECK for anything other than tweaks. I could elaborate on the idea if you want.

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