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Need help on how to make a piece of an armor standalone.


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Hello all, hope you are doing well.

I hope someone can help me with this one, I'm fairly new to modding but I do have a basic understanding of Nifskope/outfitstudio but literally nothing regarding CK.

I was looking to make the cape from an armor as a standalone piece (so I can just use it as a standard cloak with other armors) I've been looking at it in nifskope and it is already seperate from the rest of the armor so that might make things easier too.

worth noting that the meshes I'm looking at are HDT-SMP meshes because the original armor didn't have HDT. (it's like a patch, no idea if that makes the process different, again I'm a noobie at this.)

A step-by-step guide would be great! Thank you. :smile:

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