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Xenomorphs in fallout


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(not sure if someone's already requested this but it wasnt in the FRM [frequent request mod] sticky post.)


Lets be real, master chief is not really the icon of FPS. That only happened because too many children got a hold of an xbox.

Star wars is quite played out and stupid now.

Anime is just kinda geeky. One would never expect to find an otaku convention in the middle of a wasteland... last thing u need to find is that stupid green haired robot girl dancing with her hands on her head.


Wouldn't it be nice to add xenomorphs to fallout? Sure we have feral ghouls and giant bugs, but what if we had super speedy xenomorphs that pop up out of nowhere or facehuggers (that would kill in one strike should they latch on to you)!


I think it would bring a new twist to the game if someone made a mod for that. It would be especially good in buildings or caves and dark areas. (VAULTS!) Maybe we could even create one of those vault backstories similar to the ones where the overseer's want to perform crazy experiments. Cuz lets face it, feral ghouls and these 1950 roswell aliens really aren't that great.... good intentions by the developers, but meh.


Of course, there will most likely be permissions to go through but it would at least hold us off till sega releases their up and comming games!


And just think of all those people already dressed as bio enhanced cyber ninja marine commandos. It would be a great combination!

http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5297/fallout3xenomorphs.jpg <-- rush illustration


You cant say this doesn't fit!

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What you also fail to say is that there are several types of Xenomorphs, each more vicious than the others. The Queen would obviously be the biggest bad ass out there. It could take on a Behemoth or Deathclaw without even having to try. The Praetorians, the royal guard, would be almost as tough as the queen but would be slightly more numerous. The Rouge alien would fit in with the vault setting. Rouge alien would be one, maybe two in the wasteland that would, for the most part, leave humans alone, but would hunt every other creature and live for fighting Queens for dominance. You also have the basic drone, numerous and incredibly vicious, can wall walk and works in groups, very sneaky. You would also have runners, fast but weaker aliens.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Somebody already ported several AVP2 models for Garry's Mod. If it could be decently animated, the drone model could work fine until the new AVP FPS comes out (which is still TBA). With that in mind, has anyone created an attacker-damaging script that could work as acid blood? Perhaps melee attackers or ranged ones too close to the drone are given a poison state that constantly damages them but also decreases their DR?


And also, though it'd cover some of the animations, simply using the Deathclaw animation set wouldn't work-- there's still got to be a tail swipe animation (possibly that stuns or has the Mesmetron effect).


If there's a modder who's agreed to attach him/herself to the project, I'd be glad to help set things up.

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IIRC, there was a xenomorph mod for Oblivion. Don't know too much about bringing oblivion resources into fallout (they're both .nif based, but I could be missing something), but it seems plausible to me that those would have the necessary animations and such. Probably only need to add the corpse data so their heads explode properly when shot at >_>
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  • 2 weeks later...
IIRC, there was a xenomorph mod for Oblivion. Don't know too much about bringing oblivion resources into fallout (they're both .nif based, but I could be missing something), but it seems plausible to me that those would have the necessary animations and such. Probably only need to add the corpse data so their heads explode properly when shot at >_>

Here's my mod. The models are free to be used. Everyone's got permission as long as I get credit.

There are no animations yet, however. I couldn't get anything to work so far. But I'm working on the Queen atm, and will be doing a completely new skeleton with animation. After that I'll try to do the same for the drone.

IF I can get that to work, I'll see what can be done about FO3.



Somebody already ported several AVP2 models for Garry's Mod. If it could be decently animated, the drone model could work fine until the new AVP FPS comes out (which is still TBA). With that in mind, has anyone created an attacker-damaging script that could work as acid blood? Perhaps melee attackers or ranged ones too close to the drone are given a poison state that constantly damages them but also decreases their DR?


And also, though it'd cover some of the animations, simply using the Deathclaw animation set wouldn't work-- there's still got to be a tail swipe animation (possibly that stuns or has the Mesmetron effect).


If there's a modder who's agreed to attach him/herself to the project, I'd be glad to help set things up.

I don't know about using AVP2 models (any model from any commercial media, really). They are pretty low-poly and wouldn't fit to FO3s standards. Plus, Bethesda wouldn't be fine with it. Hell, they're not even fine with their own stuff in their own games (Morroblivion, anyone?).


About using deathclaw animations, I'd say: forget it. The drone would need to share the same skeleton as it. That means, I would need to be very alike in physique, which it isn't. I already tested the same thing (for my model) with all of the Oblivion creatures. It doesn't work at all (the scamp creature has a very similar shape, but the animations look terrible for the xenomorphs).




So, I'm basically working on it. But help with animations would be very welcome.

But, heads up! One day you'll be fighting some aliens in FO3.

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Also like in some of the previous movies, some are in stasis on earth still. I wouldn't be surprised that a nuclear war would wake them.

How dare you quote anything Paul Anderson does as cannon. I will not hate on AVPR because he had crap to work with. But the Alien franchise goes Alien-Aliens-Alien 3. Never ever use anything Paul Anderson does as a reference unless it's as a reason to kill that man. He has ruined my video game to movie experience so much....

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