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Help, spider webs are being very strange!


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Hi everybody!


So I really *need* to have cobwebs or spiderwebs in my level (so that the player can clean them) and when I try to put some, strange things happen:

  • The FX are invisible, there is just the green frame around the mesh, but the mesh itself is invisible
  • The static meshes called FXSpiderWebKit* appear but they are black in spite of white (and it looks ugly)


The result is the same ingame: they are either invisible or black.

So I went to other interior cells where webs can be found, such as Breezehome or Fellglow Keep, and there, the webs were displaying and animating perfectly in the CK. I tried to copy those meshes, to paste them in my level, but they still end up being invisible.


I tried to find if someone could have had the same issue as me, but this unanswered topic is all I found.


So the only solution I found so far to have those damn cobwebs appear is:

  • Finding a rather small cell with a bit of webs variety (Redoran's Retreat)
  • Duplicating said cell
  • Removing everything that isn't a cobweb
  • Pasting the content of my cell into this new duplicated one


It works. But damn, isn't it ridiculous? Does anyone has a less overkill method?

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