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How do you install the privateer outfit mod?


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Hi, I would like to know how to install this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/10/ and I just cant figure out how. And yes, I'm completely aware that there are mods out there that do this along with other things. But I don't want other things along side this. So, please help. And yes, I do know how to unpack the patch file and such. Thanks.


P.S And don't just give me the already installed patch file to download. I want to learn how to do it myself. Once again, thanks.

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Ah! I sort of see the problem, I cant find the fc3_main_depload.fat file. which is suppose to let you unzip the .dat file. However I can find the fc3_main_depload.dat file. That's strange......So, help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by askteam1999
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  • 2 months later...

I have no experience with this specific mod but the fc3_main_depload file is in patch/worlds/fc3_main/generated as well as fc3_main/worlds/fc3_main/generated. ;)

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