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Custom manufacturing plant


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Thanks for your reply. I only added the extra code into the fragment when it was not working. This just allowed me to check if the fragment was running and why it was giving the error screen. The code in there is just debugging messages and a copy of what DLC05Init.setrecipe does. I have tried running the code both with and without these extra lines. Interestingly in my Game1 run this generated log messages whilst in Game2 no messages appeared.


For Game1 I get the following log file messages:


[10/21/2023 - 04:39:28PM] Mastomak: Terminal [workshopobjectscript < (FF002073)>] [Keyword <MK_kw_LinkTerminalBuilderMedical (3C033FBF)>]
[10/21/2023 - 04:39:28PM] Mastomak: Terminal [] 0


These seem to suggest that it can't find the linked workshop manufacturing container. This also proves that the game can find the pex fragment. I am really confused about how one savefile can see some of the menus and the other can't. All I can think of is that the savefile is caching some of the data.


I have however just re-compiled the fragment and re-tested the game in case this was causing issues and it had no effect.


With regards to the fragment I normally change it to use a custom location within my projects namespace so as to make it easier to manage it with vortex (and keep my script folders more organized). I have included the entire fragment below.


Thanks again for your help.





;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname MK:QF:Terminal:TERM_1A033FBD Extends Terminal Hidden Const

;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_01
Function Fragment_Terminal_01(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)
DLC05Init.SetRecipe(0, akterminalRef, LinkTerminalKeyword)

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment

Keyword Property LinkTerminalKeyword Auto Const

DLC05:DLC05InitScript property DLC05Init auto const mandatory
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. A power grid powering 5 belts and 6 machines from two posts shouldn't really get corrupted.


If you have a bad mod that uses .Delete() on powered objects, OR if you remove a mod that added powered objects of which you built some but didn't scrap them before mod removal, then the grid will be corrupted.

Same thing happens if you ESLify, or make other changes to, a mod and the formID of a powered object -of which there are built instances in your savegame- changes.


Unless you use SUP F4SE, which fixes the .Delete() problem at least.

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Hi. I think I have got this fixed. I thought I would share how in case it helps anyone else. The basic trick seemed to be using FO4edit instead of the creation kit. I then stage by stage over-rode the fireworks builder and modified it to build my items (just be aware the recipes are in the wrong order - for example the first item on the menu is actually recipe4). Once it was working I then copied each part to a new record and finally changed the keyword. I currently have the original firework builder building my items as well as my own builder. It turns out that they can use the same fragments with no issue at all so long as you change the properties. The creation kit does not like this but FO4edit has no issues with it.


Thanks for suggestions and help Pyroteknics (and others).

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Interesting way around a single powergrid with multiple of the same builders issue - that's always been one annoyance to me as well wanting to have the same builder type making different items so usually had to resort to placing a machine on a temporary grid and terminal to set it before attaching the machine back again... until you forget and override it!

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