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Hello readers. There is something really annoying I want gone. Sometimes while I'm travelling, there's this huge amount of smoke/fog at random spots (Bridges, Ivarstead, palces like that...) which causes a huge lag with my game. Is there or is there not a way to make that disappear through a mod or something else?

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well if it's fog, you can either use the clear skies shout, or theres a mods that lets you control the weather so you can make it clear out whenever you'd like. Maybe those would help?

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Are you running any weather-altering mods (like Climates of Tamriel, volumetric fog, etc. etc)? Are you running ENBs? Can your machine cope with the config/mod load you are putting it through?


Removing a couple of weather patterns from vanilla weathers is easy enough but if you run custom weather mods...

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The ENB is likely the cause. Even if you have decent hardware, it can still be a bit taxing. Climates of Tamriel doesn't have a very large effect, if any. (Since I also use it and it doesn't do much to my game) :)

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I agree that the ENB is likely the issue but at the same time, removing some foggy weathers from vanilla or a mod is easy enough in CK, but without knowing what you're using nobody can help you. That was the reason for my question. Custom weather may also be the reason clear skies isn't working.


If you don't want to give up your shiny ENB (or temporarily disable it as the weather occurs), using a mod like STATUS http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32657/? you can pinpoint what exact weather is giving you problems. Then you can open CoT in the CK, strip that weather from the ones listed (not sure if it's actually CoT or vanilla but this works for both), and Bob's your uncle.


As a lazy alternative, you could just use sw/fw from a console to change the weather manually when so desired, here is a list of vanilla weather codes


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