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I want a Skyrim 2


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Skyrim hit top sales heights because it presented a game that was just so realistic. It was head and shoulders above any other game but unfortunately it was shipped unfinished. And, the biggest failing was in the way the player character was treated.


The game gave me all of these quests to achieve greatness only to discover that it didn't. I am Thane of every city in Skyrim and Arch-Mage of Winterhold. I am dragonborn and I have done things and been to places that the Jarls of this land can only dream about but while news of the smallest criminal infraction spreads like wildfire even if only a friend or ally of mine witnesses it, knowledge of my achievements seems to be limited to me.


"Ulric has the right of it" but what a despicable man whose interest in the Nord people ends with his own sense of glory. Surely, I follow in the footsteps of Talos and the story dictates I should be emperor or at least High King. And while a mod is out there to make this happen it will not alter the attitudes of NPCs to one of respect. What is missing from this game is NPC involvement.


Followers... Really? This tacked on addition failed on all fronts. Who came up with Lydia's "I'm sworn to carry your burdens"? Did the developers think the player base would like that? Would it have broken the bank to include an animation where NPCs nodded in agreement and smiled? How about a few follower lines like, "Dragon Born, Arch-mage of Winterhold and Thane of every city in Skyrim... Are you Talos?" or something.


Marriage... What did they think players wanted? They wanted some recognition from the game that the player was there. But marriage, like followers, children and pets are just empty promises without substance and they really needed that substance.


So I want Skyrim 2. A game that takes Skyrim and finishes it to the best standards that current technology can take it. A game where the savings on cheaping out on voice actor lines is nullified by the realisation of what modders could do during the game's lifetime. I know it is not going to happen but the longer you play this game the more annoyed you get by the unnecessary failings. And don't get me started on the economy... Sorry, I just had to post this.

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I agree with you on all parts, because Oblivion had so much to give, whereas Skyrim was Cut Down for the Xbox and then Ported to the PC so Bethesda can have their Magical Release Date. 11.11.11 Now ESO is starting the trend aswell 14.14.14


I want my Skyrim Game the one i Payed for and not having to depend on Modders to Fix Bethesda's Mistakes, no offense to the Modders since thats Half the Mods i have just to make Skyrim Better witch Bugthesda shouldve done in the first place and dont get me started on how the Xbox and Playstation Players feel left out and Cheated with their Game.

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the game was in such a state because it was designd for console users in the first place so for the pc users it looked unfinished


the reason why it stand above other games is mainly because of the modding community and the almost infinite creativity of people who make these mods

that is why oblivion made its name that is how skyrim made its fame and that is why the next TES will be in 4 or 5 years a finacal succes aswell, it is the console users who pay for it it is us pc users and mod makers who make these games so populair


and i am sure people at bethesda realize this very well


i wish i could play the skyrim version of oblivion

i even think they could do this in a few years since they have all the rescources available , and i think it would even be a huge hit and a boost for the modding community

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Good post! For all the immersiveness that Skyrim offers, the reality does eventually sink in that, no matter what your deeds, you still don't mean spit to the bulk of the NPCs (even the powerful ones you interact with.)


Until TES: 6 (whatever it turns out to be titled) I'm hoping for a mod for Skyrim that reaches out to all NPCs (through some scripting sequence if it's possible) that gets them all to start gradually talking differently about you as you progress through both the main quest and the more "heroic" (or at least "noble") side quests. There's already a good mod (I believe it's called "Guard Dialogue Overhaul") where the guards in a city will start talking more favorably to you as you progress through the main quest. But a mod where your name and deeds start percolating through the entire country based on your actions would be wonderful.


A really good mod would do the same thing, but also make NPCs revile you if you start doing criminal things and fear you if you start doing diabolical things.


Say you're working your way through the Dark Brotherhood quests and you haven't been exactly careful (or don't care) about letting people see you do your dirty work. Imagine walking into oh, say, Solitude. You stroll up the street and NPCs that you get close to suddenly gasp and move away from you. A city guard spots you and warns you specifically that "You aren't welcome here." and "We'll be watching you." Now THAT's immersion.

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