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HUDFramework Mod - Move default HUD elements and scale them


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Would absolutely *love* a mod that allows us to move the vanilla HUD elements around. The mod Survival Stats Widget has a wonderful example of how I'd like it done:


A holotape is loaded and the user is able to change the following options:

Tune X position

Tune Y position

Tune scale

Effects Message: On/Off

Caffinated indicator: On/Off

Indicators alignment: Vertical/Horizontal

Colored Indicators On/Off


For the Tune X/Y Position menus, once clicked they open a pop up menu that has the following options:
Increase by 10

Decrease by 10

Increase by 100

Decrease by 100



The Scale is similar:

Increase scale by 0.1

Decrease scale by 0.1



Having this for individual vanilla HUD elements would be a godsend. Even if it's just positioning and scale, that would be remarkable.

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