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Soul Husk + Soul Husk Extract effects not working in Soul Cairn

Guest deleted116638948

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Guest deleted116638948
I'm no vampire and no mod is editing anything of these records according to xEdit. I can also see the effect data records, which are unmodified and represent the way it should be.
But the Soul Husk and Soul Husk Extract in the Soulcairn have only the effect of 25% magica resistence for 60 seconds.
But according to the ingedients description, the soul harming effect of the soul cairn should also stop for 60 seconds.
But this effect remains active after consumption of those ingredients, visible ingame under active effects.
Could this be a bug introduced with the Anniversary Edition and can anything be done from my side?






Edited by reg1st3r
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Guest deleted116638948

Although no edits are visible as seen above, disabling/deinstalling USSEP solves it.

Now there is the possibility that i made a bad edit in xedit, or that's the way it should be with USSEP, or it's a small USSEP bug.

Edited by reg1st3r
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