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Race Menu Helper...


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OK, as more and more custom races are added released, more and more people are encountering problems with the game niot being set up to recognize them(or the curstom races themselves being incomplete, ie, no child form). We all know the workaround, ~, showracemenu, and then a (sometimes long, depending on how far you go before things get borked) series of removing and readding the perks you've gained so that they'll function properly.


Not knowing much about how scripting works, I'm not entirely sure if this is even possible, but could an object(or pair of objects) be set up that will, on use:


1: First create a list of all perks the charecter currently has,

2: Automaticly remove said perks,(2a: And, optionally, launch the racemenu)

3: Restore perks from said list on second use(or upon using the second object).


If it can't be done(or if it'd require FOSE), feel free to mock my n00bish question.

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you can already do this with a console command and the right textfile, you can write all your perks to a textfile and then load the textfile again after race change.


unsure of exact commands of the top of my head...but this is what a lot of people already do.


as this is a mod request, it should be simple to turn the console commands into a little scripted menu mod.


all you need is a willing scripter (not me, i am inexpert).

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