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Okay so im doing a quest (not the Shivering Ilse one) and im trying to tourcher someone without killing them so I can get the quest marker otherwise Ill just have a crap directions on how to get there


So need to tourcher him and he keeps dieing way to easily I made a spell that had a magnitude of 3 and he died -.-.... i unno if its cause my destruction is maxed out or what, but yeah could someone tell me how to tourcher this dude. :thanks:

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step 1: its TORTURE, spell it right, makes things easier, no offense meant


step 2: unequip any weapons you have, and punch him a couple times, if I'm thinking of the right quest, you get a popup saying he's willing to talk, or you can simply play the persuasion game with him, preferably with a nice charm spell


Step 3: use the spoilers only forum next time, makes this easier, we can confirm the quest so we give you proper advice etc.


Step 4: thank you, come again!

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