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Telepoter Scripts


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Okay here is what I am doing. I am workign on the final Version of my Gerald's house mod.


I am wanting to create a room within the house with nothign but actavators in it.


Each one will transport you to each city and town in the game.


I have the basics down for the scripts but the hard part is I need the X,Y,Z for each city a good spot to where the player will be teleported too.


IE Example will teleport you to the center of the towns and Cities and Forts.


It will take for ever to go threw the entire game and find them for each.


can anyone give me a complete list for each. or just help out by just give the X,Y,Z for the Major Cities and Towns

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A good way of doing this is by looking at the transport marker arrows or the door exit location arrows for the guilds in each town. You can be certain that they will not be move in other mods that people play.


Be thourghtful and original, as teleportation mods have been done before.

An example is the Archmage Tower mod.


Try to grab the player interest in some way.



-Put a quest to release each teleport activator

-make it that only possible to use the teleporter for the town once you have been there in the past.

- you may have to belong to a guild for some teleporters to become active or be a particular level in the guild for others.

- You could kill an amount of a creature type for others to appear.

-in the room could be a book with instructions on how the create other books that link to the other cities. The player collects item bits, goes to the room clicks on an inkpot activator and is given a choice about which city they can link the book to. Book ingredients could be something only found around that city you want to go to.


sorry no zyx's

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I am just learnign scripting for this game and I have only been using the Construction set a few months now. And is learning as I go.


The main reason why I keep releasing new Versions of my mods on http://files.tessource.net/.


I have been trying to figure out the head and tales of the scripting editor and have been looking at lots of the scripts looking at them for examples and also been looking at the scripts other players have used to create there mods.


I am not shure out to create quest that will cause them to activate. or cause them to load in that room and so forth.

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No but it wouldn't be hard to write.


Basically use a message box to ask the person if he is willing to pay a fee to use the teleporter.

Then if they answer yes use the removeitem fucntion to take that amount of gold from him. then activate the portal. If you want I could writ the shell for you but you said you were trying to learn so this might be a good project for you.

Also if you don't already have scripting for dummies I would recommend getting it.

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this is a script you can place apon a single item/door in a room... or multi items(where each item will take you to a list of other places)

If placed on item you can pick up... if you are not holding a key you pick it up or if you are holding key you transport and item is LEFT on the ground.


the script will give you 19 transport locations per item script used ...


The numbers used are unique number calculations, so when they add up, they equal an individual number.

so i linked item names with script numbers just for reference..


;Item locations(where they may be found????)


;2- Balmora mages

;4- Caldera mages

;7- wolvern hall

;10- Vivic mages




key 10 on floor in room

key 7 in hall of fire - get there with key 10 used on ther magic door

key 4 in hall of ice - get there with key 7

key 2 in hall of earth - get there with key 4

key 1 in hall of air - get there with key 2



items needed








<- a group of 'misc' items/keys given or found at a location ?? each one in a mages guild ???

<- OR given by the mage guild transportation person to the player in a conversation.



<-DoorActivator item. a 'misc' item in objectmenu. Place this in the room with transporter.




<-look in the 'static' items list & you will see 'Active_MH_Forcefield_01' near start of list.

-look at its name used for the art file.

-create a new Door item in 'Door' list and find Above itme name in

the 'construction set cd'

-should be in main mesh folder.

-place it in the 'Add art file' button in the new door item dialogue box.



there are a lot of comments


Begin Modname_transport01

short KeysNumber ;;;;Transporter door by TScrib;;;;

Short EnableDoor


if ( MenuMode == 1 )





if ( ENABLEDOOR == 1 ) ;;;if door is turned off(disabled) & you get lute

If ( player->GetItemCount, "misc_de_lute_01_phat" >= 1 ) ;door turns on..

set ENABLEDOOR to 0 ;switch, do once....






if ( onactivate == 1 ) ;if player touches item(force field door)

If ( Player->GetItemCount, "Modname_TelepKey01Unq" >= 1 )

set keysnumber to 1 ;it will look at player items and do basic

endiF ;maths. Then look for location matching answer

If ( Player->GetItemCount, "Modname_TelepKey02Unq" >= 1 )

set keysnumber to ( keysnumber + 2 )


If ( player->GetItemCount, "Modname_TelepKey04Unq" >= 1 )

set keysnumber to ( keysnumber + 4 )


If ( Player->GetItemCount, "Modname_TelepKey07Unq" >= 1 )

set keysnumber to ( keysnumber + 7 )


If ( Player->GetItemCount, "Modname_TelepKey10Unq" >= 1 )

set keysnumber to ( keysnumber + 10 )




messagebox, "Location Number == %.0f ==", keysnumber ;;;;;TEST



if ( keysnumber == 1 ) ;;1--- DISABLE -If you try key1 then door is disabled


SET ENABLEDOOR to 1 ;;you now need to enable it

elseif ( keysnumber == 2 ) ;;2

player->PositionCell -754, -1006, -640, 45, "Balmora, Guild of Mages"

elseif ( keysnumber == 3 ) ;;1,2

Player->Position 20900, 37600, 1050, 0 ;Ghost gate

elseif ( keysnumber == 4 ) ;;4

player->PositionCell 525, 334, 490, 90, "Caldera, Guild of Mages"

elseif ( keysnumber == 5 ) ;;1,4


elseif ( keysnumber == 6 ) ;;2,4


elseif ( keysnumber == 7 ) ;;7

player->PositionCell -31 212 159 45, "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild"

elseif ( keysnumber == 8 ) ;;1,7

player->PositionCell 2592, -511, -261, 270, "Ald-ruhn, Guild of Mages"

elseif ( keysnumber == 9 ) ;;2,7

Player->Position -17896, 141443, 1925, 0 ;Ashlands Region near Urshilaku Camp

elseif ( keysnumber == 10 ) ;;--1,2,7 or 10

player->PositionCell 0, 1392, -385, 180, "Vivec, Guild of Mages"

elseif ( keysnumber == 11 ) ;;1,10 or 4,7


elseif ( keysnumber == 12) ;;2,10 or 1,4,7


elseif ( keysnumber == 13 ) ;;2,4,7

Player->Position 31800, -102100, 1150, 0 ;;Vivic- library at shrine

elseif ( keysnumber == 14 ) ;;4,10


elseif ( keysnumber == 17 ) ;;7,10


elseif ( keysnumber == 18 ) ;;1,7,10


elseif ( keysnumber == 19 ) ;;2,7,10 ;;A small malfunction

cast "SHOCK" player

mESSAGEBOX, "You are thrown back by an electric JOLT"

elseif ( keysnumber == 21 ) ;;;;;4,7,10



activate ;;;eXIT TO Other location if placed on 'door' item ---if No item

endif ;;;Key is used then it acts like a normal door.!!!!!!


set keysnumber to 0 ;;;resets Keys number for next activation





the normal activation of the door can take you to other rooms in house or out side house. they would act as a normal door.


you do not need to use a special(force field door), it could be a normal door. Just delete enable door part at start and change location 1 to hold a transport location.


to take money form player. add script bit at start just after onactivate line...

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