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Where is the entitylibrary.fcb?


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I posted something like this a bit back. But I have narrowed it down to the info I need. Where is the entitylibrary.fcb? I think its in the patch.dat file right? But WHERE in the patch.dat file? I am so confused. Please answer!! I'm tired of not knowing where it is, PLEASE!!!!........I'm sorry for shouting, but its just that.....I really want this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/farcry3/mods/10/?.........So if any of you have the info I want, please don't hesitate to answer. Thanks.

Edited by askteam1999
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As far as I know by default these files aren't in the patch file. That's the point, you have to copy them from the generated folder and add the same directory to the patch.dat. ;)

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