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hovering add-on for the jetpack overhaul mod


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Jetpack Overhaul by Imp of the Perverse is a great mod, which allows the jetpack equipped PA to be used as a "poorman's vertibird of sorts for survival difficulty.
The only cumbersome part when used as such is, if you want to use it for sustained level flight, you have to:
1) gain sufficient altitude
2) let the player enter free fall
3) go full blast in vertical direction
4) once vertical thrust approaches 1 (player maintains altitude), apply forward thrust and see if level flight is achieved

5) if vertical thrust (z-vector) is insufficient, let go of the forward key for a split second, then reapply forward key to fine tune vertical thrust

What I am suggesting is:
1) add a configurable key to toggle vertical thrust lock

- toggle key locks thrust in z direction at 1, so that it allows you hover without holding down the jetpack thrust key (space by default)

- regardless of player's vertical momentum direction (climbing or falling), altitude should slowly stabilize to enter level flight
- hitting the toggle key again or hitting the vertical limit, or hitting the ground (jetpack shutting off) deactivates the z-thrust lock
2) caculate the remainder of the total thrust available and allows expending that for forward thrust; should act as a momentary button (i.e. without continued W-button press, x thrust would vanish and air friction should eventually nullify forward momenum).
3) another toggle key locks x-thrust at max, so that it acts as a "cruise control" (kinda like "x" to keep walking, except you doing it in the air) => the built-in x key might work for this, maybe?
Edited by shameimaru
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