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Beret's with Talon, or Riley's Ranger Logo


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Hello everyone!


I'm putting in this request, after several searches and many PMs having been sent. If somone could make a Beret with the Talon logo, or Riley's Ranger logo that would be killer. I've seen several screen shots (for diff mods) that the char. was WEARING a black beret with the Talon logo..but none of my PMs to the posters asking where they got them have been answered.


The best looking beret mod I've seen is the 'Polish Beret' that comes in Black, Green, and Red..however the modder had some issues with it, and it will only work, (won't clip horribly), if you make your char. head small, sloped, small forehead..and vairous other head tweaks..along with buzz cut. I haven't tried the 'grey' beret mod, mainly because it's a light(cammo) grey and reading comments about it, there seem to be several issues there as well.


as always ty to the modders that donate their time and creativity, so that we can have a more enjoyable gaming experience.







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