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Shadow softening?


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Hi I was wondering if it would be possible to tweak or heavily modify the shadows in the game. I'm not terribly familliar with modding, especially shadows but I'm operating under the assumption that shadows cast by objects like trees aren't done dynamically on the spot. Instead I'm thinking a shadow like the one the tree in the Whiterun courtyard have an actual image file that is projected onto the ground and npcs/avatar.


If I'm correct in that assumption then could I or someone access the shadow 'maps' and soften the edges like so...?




instead of...


Note the shadow on her forehead. I photoshopped the effect I'm hoping is possible to produce.


Now If I'm totally wrong then how can I increase the effect the game naturally provides like in this shot?


Is there a line in the skyrimprefs.ini that is causing this blur or softening?



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I believe the engine dynamically casts the shadows based on light sources. Although Bethesda's shadow system have improved immensely over the years, they are far from perfect. This is why they can look choppy. There is no image of each and ever object's shadow in the game files...

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