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Extra Feat Ideas, can anyone make these?


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Here is a list of possible ideas. everything past the first are just ideas but I would definetly want the firs tone.

Titan's grip: You may wield all 2 handed weapons with 1 hand. (possibly with a damage dice reduction. d12 to d10 and such. but if too complicated then just base weapon.) 16 or 18 str requirement.
Resilient Mind: Gain advantage on any check to resist, charm, frightened, mind reading or so on. maybe with resistance to psychic damage too. 16 or 18 wis requirement
Nature Blessed: You gain advantage on social interactions with animals, plants, and nature spirits, if you use magic to befriend an animal the effect will remain until a long rest.
Arcane Savagery: whenever you roll a 1 or 2 on spell attack damage you may reroll and use the highest. (or use the new roll)
Multitasker: You can maintain concentration on 1 additional spell at a time. (possibly able to take twice?) you have disadvantage on saves to maintain concentration.
Heart Piercer: when you hit a target with a ranged attack (not spells.) if the target did not have cover or a shield, you deal an extra 1d4 piercing damage.
Planted Feet: as long as you are wearing armor you have advantage on rolls to resist being moved or knocked prone. (optional) If you did not move on your last turn then you recieve 1d4 less damage from the next attack.
Dark Dealings: You may gain the benefits of one additional warlock pact and gain 1 additional warlock spell slot. (must be a spell caster.) You gain vulnerability to your choice of radiant, necrotic, psychic, fire, or cold damage.
Shadow Touched: You become immune to and receive healing from necrotic damage. you become vulnerable to radiant damage and can no longer be healed by healing spells or potions.
Celestial Grace: You become Immune to Radiant damage. whenever you receive radiant damage your movement speed is doubled until the end of the round. You become vulnerable to Necrotic damage and have disadvantage on saves vs necromancy spells.
Carry Through: whenever you kill a target with a melee attack, you may use a reaction to force any creatures within 2 meters take 1d4 of the damage dealt. (dex save)
Master Summoner: whenever you summon a creature it starts with 1d10 temporary health and regains 1d6 health when standing within 6 meters of the summoner.
Scavenger: whenever you open a creatures' inventory or a container you may find extra leveled loot. (gold, gems, potions, clothes, weapons or food.)
Hated: In Battle enemies favor targeting you. You have -1d4 on persuasion and deception rolls and gain advantage on intimidation rolls.
Reckless Attacker: increase either str or dex by 1 point. whenever you successfully land an attack against an target you may hit for max damage at the cost of taking half the damage yourself. (once per long rest)
Burning at both ends: You regain all spell slots at the cost of not having death saving throws or the ability to heal with potions for 10 turns.

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