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Beautiful People Mod not working


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First, I do not have any other Body Mods of any sort of form installed, Beautiful People is the only one. It is activated in the OBM and in the data files(of the Oblivion Launcher.) I open the console and type showracemenu and only the default Races/hair/eyes etc showup.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.


EDIT: I have solved the issue, I uninstalled, reinstalled and immediately applied the latest patch from Bethesda thereafter. The mod works. :biggrin:

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First, I do not have any other Body Mods of any sort of form installed, Beautiful People is the only one. It is activated in the OBM and in the data files(of the Oblivion Launcher.) I open the console and type showracemenu and only the default Races/hair/eyes etc showup.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance.


EDIT: I have solved the issue, I uninstalled, reinstalled and immediately applied the latest patch from Bethesda thereafter. The mod works. :biggrin:

BP is a cosmetic mod only not a body mod

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new hairs and eyes are added by changing the race entries, which means that all mods adding hairs and/or eyes will conflict with each other as well as mods that edits other aspects of races, such as Roberts Male Bodies and Better Redguards. Your problem is most likely that you use another mod that edits those race records. An easy way to find out is to load your mods in Tes4Edit and check out the race records.


To get around the problem you have to either

  • merge the mods manually (not recommended)
  • chose to use only one of the mods
  • change load order, so BP wins out
  • use Wrye Bash to automatically merge the mods.


Please note that some mods edit race entries even if they are not cosmetics mods.

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