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On hit scripting issue


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  On 1/18/2014 at 3:41 PM, Mishaxhi said:

It's a weird blocktype that never seems to work for me.


I'd put it on the ammo impact script, with a ScriptEffectStart block


It kinda needs to be applied via a weapon script or enchantment since critical hit is occupied with disintegration.



This is a melee weapon but I guess you could make an ammo type and apply zero to ammo used but dose not ammo need a projectile point of origin on the weapon to work?




Though know of a good way to apply disintegration via script? I keep getting glitches when I use getdead(it reapplies the disintegration with each hit when something is dead for a few seconds,have a video of this), it seems it starts the effect even if the effect itself calls to CriticalStage. I've tried the script below but it did not work in fact it caused the disintegration sound to apply with each hit but thats probably due to incorrect blocktype mixing.


Then again I am a total script noob. I can't seem to get getlastcritcal to work though functions and I tried all the options to apply it to target and combattarget so it must work under very specific circumstances or simply dose not work.



To be clear what I need is either a way to disintegrate a target or targets. And a way to call up an explosion on critical hit.


I can use random but I been trying to research getlastcritcal and there's is scant info on it.


ref CombatTarget
Begin Gamemode

    If player.GetEquipped Weapzippymoujor && player.IsInCombat
        set CombatTarget to player.GetCombatTarget
        If CombatTarget.GetLastHitCritical
            Player.PlaceAtMe zippynullGrenadePulseExplosionfake 1



I find it interesting it can compile but dose not work.

Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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How about this one its not working on target below 10% > dose not seem to work at all.

ref CombatTarget

short rnd

Begin GameMode

    If player.GetEquipped Weapzippymoujor && player.IsInCombat
        set CombatTarget to player.GetCombatTarget
        If CombatTarget.GetHealthPercentage <= 0.10 
           CombatTarget.CIOS AlienDisintegrationFXSpell

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Here is a weapon script I wrote for Beyond Boulder Dome, which might be useful to you. The difference here is that I created a new variable of the type "ref" called "ChimpProdTarget" and then assigned it the value returned by the "GetOwnerLastTarget" function.

scn abChimpProdScript

Begin OnHit

	Ref ChimpProdTarget
	Set ChimpProdTarget to GetOwnerLastTarget

	If ChimpProdTarget.GetIsID abEvilChimpBare == 1 && abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunTime == 0 && ChimpProdTarget.getdead == 0
		set abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunned to 1
	elseIf ChimpProdTarget.GetIsID abEvilChimpBrain == 1 && abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunTime == 0 && ChimpProdTarget.getdead == 0
		set abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunned to 1
	ElseIf ChimpProdTarget.GetIsID abEvilChimpPower == 1 && abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunTime == 0 && ChimpProdTarget.getdead == 0
		set abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunned to 1

Edited by rjhelms84
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