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Are there any mods like this?


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hey guys :)


Does anyone know if there any mods that add a huge city in Oblivion like in the mod Damarask?

I played Damarask but unfortunatly I dont think it was as successful as I thought it would have been :(. But its still a good mod :). So does anyone know if there is any mods like Damarask adding a city in the Planes of Oblivion?




A mod that adds like a Home for you in the Planes of Oblivion?


Because I want some kind of Home or at least a city for my Demon player to roam in :).

As playing as a Demon in Cyrodil doesnt make me feel very evil lol :biggrin:


:thanks: guys.

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hey guys :)


Does anyone know if there any mods that add a huge city in Oblivion like in the mod Damarask?

I played Damarask but unfortunatly I dont think it was as successful as I thought it would have been :(. But its still a good mod :). So does anyone know if there is any mods like Damarask adding a city in the Planes of Oblivion?




A mod that adds like a Home for you in the Planes of Oblivion?


Because I want some kind of Home or at least a city for my Demon player to roam in :).

As playing as a Demon in Cyrodil doesnt make me feel very evil lol :biggrin:


:thanks: guys.



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