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Funnest class in skyrim?


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I'm doing a last playthrough in skyrim. What class should I be? I've been the swords and bow class a lot, but magic seems like it would be frustrating when fighting like a boss and I have to run around a while to let my magicka come back, and archery sounds like it would be fun, until you fight someone tough and you can't kill them from a distance and sounds like dungeons/cqb wouldn't be fun. What's a fun class to play with?
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You can do a bit of everything, jack of all trades. Once I busted in with heavy armor and crushed everyone, another time I went around frenzying everything and watch them kill each other, finally I snuck shot everyone without getting found out once! I just try to take adifferent approach every time I'm in a hostile environment and if I can't beat it I just return to the old sword and bow playing style.
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Try something you almost never do. If you're always a bow/swords user, go for magic with an armor class you don't usually use. Once you get the hang of it, just doing new things is a lot of fun.

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I'm playing with a mage now and I like the amount of different strategies the mage can use.


but nothing is more satisfying than close-range, straighforward combat to me. After taking my character to a mod-enhanced bloodbath, when I go somewhere and get out with the loot and a pile of shattered corpses left behind, I really get what I wanted when I bought the game.

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I'm doing a last playthrough in skyrim. What class should I be? I've been the swords and bow class a lot, but magic seems like it would be frustrating when fighting like a boss and I have to run around a while to let my magicka come back, and archery sounds like it would be fun, until you fight someone tough and you can't kill them from a distance and sounds like dungeons/cqb wouldn't be fun. What's a fun class to play with?

there so many other possibilities

ùy 2 current playthrous are a beserker

which is the biggest 2 handed axe or warhammer you can find and charge the enemy using powerattacks if possible , you need good stamina and alot of hitpoints armoue up to you and the only magic branch is restoration and alchemy also need a little bit of archery in case those damn flying lizards refuse to land

alchemy is important since most of your resistance and stamina potions come from there' comes from that branch


second one is a custom race the succubus as a spellsword using a combination of conjurations and illusion to survive ,specially illusion since everybody attacks her when she is in her true form and do not cheat by turning off the succubus aggresion

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Grab a husky from the Dawnguard, wear leather armor, and carry a crossbow with exploding bolts (closest you can get to a shotgun).


Of course your name would have to be "Fallout Boy", "Vault Dweller", or "Lone Wanderer". Unfortunately you can't name your canine companion "Dogmeat", but "Bran" is a kind of food so maybe that's close enough ...


Ever notice how Dwemer ruins look a lot like ruined Vaults? Except Vaults are less dangerous but way creepier. Vaults are just plain scary, despite the fact you almost never actually die in them (fear is your friend -- you're not going in that dark, scary hole without a small arsenal), but opening a trapped door in a Dwemer ruin can mean instant death, however careful you were being up until the fateful lapse.


The Vault Experience:

"Reactor room's ahead. Better check for radiation. Sure is dark in here. Man my pulse is racing. Better make sure my gun's fully loaded ..."

"A-ha! Found you puny huma ..."

*rat tat tat tat tat*

"Okay deep breath ... you're alive ... man these Vaults sure are scary. That one almost got to me before going down in a hail of bullets. Better make sure my gun's fully reloaded ..."


You might need to change your shorts but at least you lived. You probably didn't even get hit -- 137 stimpacks enter, 137 leave.


The Dwemer Vault Experience:

"I think I hear a mechanical spider up ahead. Oh well, I'll just hit it with lighting and let Lydia pick up the pieces. This is fun!"

*clank* *zap* *clatter*

"Since the Dwemer have all disappeared except their noisy, clunky machines what could go wrong? Oh, look, a side door! I bet it leads to treasure. I'll just pick the lock ... oh, lucky me, it doesn't have a lo ..."

*click* ... *chop* *chop* *chop* *chop*



"We'll meet again in Sovngarde, brother."

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